I’ve never really thought about illicit trading as a big deal or a major crime. I have a lot of female friends that buy knock off designer bags. When I ask them why they purchase these bags they give me a reasonable explanation. They tell me why should they pay thousands of dollars on a designer handbag when they can purchase the same bag for hundreds of dollars cheaper. When a person pays for a designer bag they are essentially paying for the name. Raising the prices is frustrating to me because it seems like the designers are ripping off people. I never have felt any remorse for buying illicit goods because I feel like I’m sort of getting even with the major corporations. I believed in all of these things until I saw the video today. The video totally changed my views on illicit trading. I never realized how many people were affected by it. I think I’m like a lot of people and don’t realize the impact that illicit trading has on the world. Instead of giving money to a legitimate business a person is funding criminal organizations and providing them with a means to possibly hurt people. I was saddened to see that people get sucked into a sort of life debt and are forced to work for these organizations. It is crazy to think that there are really no ways to stop the trade either. For every organization a police force stops it seems like two more seem to pop up. Before this video I couldn’t care less that I was buying counterfeit but now I’m definitely not buying anything bootleg. I’m also going to spread the word to all my friend’s and tell them not to buy those products anymore.
The Dissent
15 years ago
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